Hi everyone!
I'm finally back home in Austria now. Anne, Sabine, Johanna and I arrived 5 minutes ahead of the scheduled time at 9.25pm in Salzburg. Marlene and Carina, I hope you got home safely too.
What did Anne and I do on our last day? We got up early, went to Camden Market and had lunch with my former host mum. At 3pm we took the bus to Stansted airport.
Everything went well, just as we have planned it. We are at home. We don't need to set an alarm for tomorrow. What a wonderful world!!
Montag, 17. September 2007
Freitag, 14. September 2007
Nearly the end
Today we had our final presentation of our project work we did on St John Ambulance, what means that is was the last day in Southampton!
We are all very tired and we have to catch up the sleep we miss! Tomorrow early in the morning we go to London by bus. The next few days we won't have any access to the internet, but we have taken a few pictures from our speech today and as soon as possible we publish them ;)
Have a nice weekend and we meet next week, when posting a final "Thank You!" for you! ;)
Take care!
We are all very tired and we have to catch up the sleep we miss! Tomorrow early in the morning we go to London by bus. The next few days we won't have any access to the internet, but we have taken a few pictures from our speech today and as soon as possible we publish them ;)
Have a nice weekend and we meet next week, when posting a final "Thank You!" for you! ;)
Take care!
Donnerstag, 13. September 2007
Mittwoch, 12. September 2007
Austrian afternoon
During our stay in Southampton we have to write a report and do a presentation in groups of four or five. Maggy, Stefanie, Daria and Elisabeth have decided to choose "St John Ambulance" as their topic with the difference that their main focus was aimed at arranging an Austrian afternoon for some voluntary workers and elderly people who are looked after by them.
As we are also working on a project about St John Ambulance we decided to take part and help them to prepare coffee and cakes for the guests.

The group held an informative presentation about Austria with its sights and typical meals and drinks. Afterwards everybody took part in an Austrian quiz where there was the possibilty to win one "Mozartkugel" for each right answer. Then we sang the "Austrian Yodelsong" altogether, which was great fun.

The group did a great job and it was a successful and funny afternoon. Afterwards all attenders were invited by St John Ambulance to a delicious buffet.
Good night.
During our stay in Southampton we have to write a report and do a presentation in groups of four or five. Maggy, Stefanie, Daria and Elisabeth have decided to choose "St John Ambulance" as their topic with the difference that their main focus was aimed at arranging an Austrian afternoon for some voluntary workers and elderly people who are looked after by them.
As we are also working on a project about St John Ambulance we decided to take part and help them to prepare coffee and cakes for the guests.

The group held an informative presentation about Austria with its sights and typical meals and drinks. Afterwards everybody took part in an Austrian quiz where there was the possibilty to win one "Mozartkugel" for each right answer. Then we sang the "Austrian Yodelsong" altogether, which was great fun.

The group did a great job and it was a successful and funny afternoon. Afterwards all attenders were invited by St John Ambulance to a delicious buffet.
Good night.
Visit Western Community Hospital

Good evening everybody!
This was a very interesting, exciting and diversified day! In the morning we went to the Western Community Hospital by bus where we met Sheila Brook and Ellen McNicholas who is the Unscheduled Care Service Manager of the Hospital.
First of all Mrs. Brook gave us a brief insight in the 3 major working parts which the Southampton City Primary Care Trust (SCPCT) concentrates on.
1) Provider Services
Adult and Elderly Care
Child and Familiy Services
Primary Care
Community Hospitals
First Response
Public Health promotion
2) Commissioned Services
From Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust(SUHT) - acute, secondary and tertiary services
From Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Trust (HPT) - mental health services
From other organisations and independendent sector
3) Corporate Services
Finance, Business Planning, IT, Quality,...
We also discussed general issues like obesity and teenage pregnancy in whole Britain and what the government attempts to get those problems under control. For example within education at schools.

After a short break Ellen McNicholas gave a very interesting and informative speach to our group. The main points she presented to us were:
1)NHS Walk-in Centres
NHS Walk-in Centres are the classic example for what the NHS does to change the situation in the country.
The NHS Walk-in Centres offer healthcare advice, information and treatment from specially-trained nurses 365 days a year, with no appointment necessary. They can offer:
- treatment for minor injuries and illnesses
- minor infections and rashes
- superficial cuts and bruises
- strains and sprains
- stomach upsets
- coughs, colds and flu-like symptoms
- ... and much more.
A NHS Walk-in Centre has about 3,500 clients a month. In Southampton there are 3 of them: The Southampton (Central) NHS Walk-in Centre, the Shirley Walk-in Centre and the Bitterne Walk-in Centre.
In the NHS Walk-in Centres there are no docotors - there are 3 specially trained nurses, one health care supporter and one receptionist.
2)Out of Hours Service
With this service the NHS is able to cover 780,000 people with health service outside their General Practicener's surgery opening times. When somebody is calling this service he will be asked about his\her problem. After answering some questions a decision will be taken: Maybe no health service is necessary at the time and the patient can wait until his\her Gerneral Practicioner is available or the patient will come to a meeting-point to see the doctor or if it's essential the GP comes at the patient's home.
All in all 26 % of the phone calls end up with an home visit of the doctor, which is a really high rate.
3)Rapid Response Team
This is a team existing of 44 people who provide a very important service.
"A swift response to the prevention and management of health and social care crises by providing short-term, intensive, frequent support treatment and care in collaboration with existing services." (Southampton City PCT, 2007)
For example: They try to keep people at home so they don't have to go to hospital or that they can go home from hospital as soon as possible. Sometimes there is only the support from the family missing and then the Rapid Response Team fill in for so.
They are not just providing short-term solutions for the people but also long-term solutions.
The Rapid Response Team is working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. It is composed of nurses, social workers, physiotherapists and doctors.
After that very interesting insight in those topics we had a tour through Western Community Hospital.

us5 @ work
The status quo: It is half past midnight and we are indeed a little bit tired after having worked for our project since 4.00 pm.
Although it was a lot of hard work but we had great fun.
We think we deserve to go to bed now.
Good night!
The status quo: It is half past midnight and we are indeed a little bit tired after having worked for our project since 4.00 pm.
Although it was a lot of hard work but we had great fun.
We think we deserve to go to bed now.
Good night!
"Now she is 17. In one year she is maybe 18?!"
Marlene S. in a heated discussion about a teenager mother.
Marlene S. in a heated discussion about a teenager mother.
Dienstag, 11. September 2007
Lesson with Rebecca
Hi guys,
Today we had a funny lesson with Rebecca. We have spoken about advertising which is a very interesting topic. Particularly, if it is presented by Rebecca. We had a lot to laugh.
Firstly, we had to interpret some advertisements which were not really easy to understand. But after the explanations of Rebecca everyone could see the messages behind the pictures.
Next, we made some exercises on business words and on articles which are very helpful.
And now (since 3.30 pm.), us5 is working on the project.
Best regards,
Today we had a funny lesson with Rebecca. We have spoken about advertising which is a very interesting topic. Particularly, if it is presented by Rebecca. We had a lot to laugh.
Firstly, we had to interpret some advertisements which were not really easy to understand. But after the explanations of Rebecca everyone could see the messages behind the pictures.
Next, we made some exercises on business words and on articles which are very helpful.
And now (since 3.30 pm.), us5 is working on the project.
Best regards,
us5 @ Queen Alexandra Hospital
Friday afternoon we had a guided tour through the huge Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth. Sue and Peter, the guest speakers from the morning, expected us and explained us how they are working and organised.

the main entrance of the Queen Alexandra Hospital
Currently, there is a building shell next to the "old" Queen Alexandra Hospital. They will finish it by 2009. The NHS has a lot of plans for the new building.

the plan for the new hospital
It was very interesting to see the difference between a British and an Austrian hospital. In my hometown in South-Tyrol which is Italian, the hospitals are also very different. I think we have more comfort but I have to mention that I have never been in such a large hospital. The size is probably one of the main reasons why six or eight people have to share one room.
It was a great experience to see how a such a huge British hospital works.

the main entrance of the Queen Alexandra Hospital
Currently, there is a building shell next to the "old" Queen Alexandra Hospital. They will finish it by 2009. The NHS has a lot of plans for the new building.

the plan for the new hospital
It was very interesting to see the difference between a British and an Austrian hospital. In my hometown in South-Tyrol which is Italian, the hospitals are also very different. I think we have more comfort but I have to mention that I have never been in such a large hospital. The size is probably one of the main reasons why six or eight people have to share one room.
It was a great experience to see how a such a huge British hospital works.
Wednesday @ class
Hello everybody!
This morning we had a very interesting lesson (Applied Language Tasks) with Carolyn where we talked about the housing situation in England. In the excercise afterwards we had to pretend being the allocation manager in the Housing department of the local council and then we decided who will get which type of accommodation.
Carolyn gave us a lot of information, for example:
Everybody who wants to have a flat or house from the council, is on a waiting list for six years on average.
Unemployement is no reason to get an accommodation. Vulnarable people or people who are living in an overcrowded flat or house are prioritised.
For this decision it is also important if the children are of the same sex or not. If they are not of the same sex, a seperate room is necessary for every child.
... now we are going to our next lesson: Business English with Rebecca.
This morning we had a very interesting lesson (Applied Language Tasks) with Carolyn where we talked about the housing situation in England. In the excercise afterwards we had to pretend being the allocation manager in the Housing department of the local council and then we decided who will get which type of accommodation.
Carolyn gave us a lot of information, for example:
Everybody who wants to have a flat or house from the council, is on a waiting list for six years on average.
Unemployement is no reason to get an accommodation. Vulnarable people or people who are living in an overcrowded flat or house are prioritised.
For this decision it is also important if the children are of the same sex or not. If they are not of the same sex, a seperate room is necessary for every child.
... now we are going to our next lesson: Business English with Rebecca.
Guest speakers - Sue, Peter and Justin of NHS
On friday we heard a lot of interesting things about the NHS (National Health Service), learning and development at Portsmouth Hospitals and the NHS management.
Sue told us that the NHS was set up in 1948 and that it is the largest employer in Europe. She explained the structure, the vision and the key strategic aims of the organisation.
Sue told us that the NHS was set up in 1948 and that it is the largest employer in Europe. She explained the structure, the vision and the key strategic aims of the organisation.
Furthermore, Peter showed us what kind of person they would like to have in their team, for example self directed workers, creative problem solvers, effective team members etc.
Last but not least, Justin gave us more details about the NHS management: why managers are needed in the NHS, what they do and how many there are. The fact that 59 % of the managers are women and 41 % men were quite interesting.
Last but not least, Justin gave us more details about the NHS management: why managers are needed in the NHS, what they do and how many there are. The fact that 59 % of the managers are women and 41 % men were quite interesting.
At the end of the speech our guest speakers gave us a lot of helpful weblinks:
Thank you for the nice morning.
Thank you for the nice morning.
Academic English class
Today we had an Academic English class with Joe. We talked about academic writing and the most important things you should always keep in mind are:
- do not use contractions like "isn't" or "doesn't"
- do not use abbreviations like "UK" or "etc"
- do not use personal pronouns
- reference all sources
- if you write an essay do not write titles like "introduction" or "conclusion"
- use more passive voice
- use more noun based phrases
- use linking expressions
- use more formal vocabulary
- numbers, charts and graphs should be at the end as an appendix
Class today was quite interesting and especially Joe's exercise on how to use the right linking expression was pretty hard. Fortunately ;) it is absolutly useful for our report and the presentation.
- do not use contractions like "isn't" or "doesn't"
- do not use abbreviations like "UK" or "etc"
- do not use personal pronouns
- reference all sources
- if you write an essay do not write titles like "introduction" or "conclusion"
- use more passive voice
- use more noun based phrases
- use linking expressions
- use more formal vocabulary
- numbers, charts and graphs should be at the end as an appendix
Class today was quite interesting and especially Joe's exercise on how to use the right linking expression was pretty hard. Fortunately ;) it is absolutly useful for our report and the presentation.
Project news
As you all know we work on a project about St John Ambulance. Currently we are writing our papers and everyone has nearly finished her part of the text.
We decided to explain the organisational structure and the history of St John Ambulance and to write about the work, the financing, the volunteers and the issues. Concerning the presenation on friday we have some ideas how to make our talking more interesting and we will mention some additonal facts and stories, which we haven not written about in the main work.
We decided to explain the organisational structure and the history of St John Ambulance and to write about the work, the financing, the volunteers and the issues. Concerning the presenation on friday we have some ideas how to make our talking more interesting and we will mention some additonal facts and stories, which we haven not written about in the main work.
On wednesday our group joins the Austrian afternoon for St John Ambulance organised by our collegues Lisi, Maggie, Steffi and Daria. There we will meet Jill Abrahams again and we already have a long liste of questions we have to ask her.
Anne designed the Powerpoint slides and if everything is fine we will start with working on the presentation tomorrow.
We'll keep you informed!
Good night!
Anne designed the Powerpoint slides and if everything is fine we will start with working on the presentation tomorrow.
We'll keep you informed!
Good night!
Great Monday
Us5 on tour again: Today we started a trip to Salisbury, a very nice town near Southampton. We did some sightseeing, shopping and we had a nice cup of coffee in the one and only Starbucks.

our Jofux

Afterwards we visited the world famous garden Stourhead, a perfect place to relax and to stock up some sun, I must say.
exploring the garden
There we also enjoyed a talk about the National Trust. The National Trust is an organisation that protects historic places or natural beauty in England. Unfortunately there is no institution like this in Austria, so we can't compare it. So let me explain the National Trust to you: The charity was founded in 1895 by Robert Hunter, Octavia Hill, and Canon Rawnsley. The Trust has 3.5 million members and more than 43,000 volunteers. They have a very complicated organisational structure, so I can't explain it to you in detail. But if you want more information, check out
It was quite interesting for us to hear that 4 out of 5 protected sights are running at a loss. We were also very surprised about the plannings to make Stonehenge a more attractive place for tourists. The Headgardener of Stourhead gave us a little insight in his work. For example he told us that at the moment he is worried about a beautiful tree which is going to die and that he will make the fell of this tree a public event.
But the highlight of the day was definitely the karaoke-performance of Caro and Jo and some other guys in "The Royal Oak". And I swear by the apple struddle of my mother - this was Anthony Kiedis himself singing "Dani California" in the pub. No doubt - I swear ;) aaanthooonyyyyyy......
But the highlight of the day was definitely the karaoke-performance of Caro and Jo and some other guys in "The Royal Oak". And I swear by the apple struddle of my mother - this was Anthony Kiedis himself singing "Dani California" in the pub. No doubt - I swear ;) aaanthooonyyyyyy......

our Jofux

Sonntag, 9. September 2007
Isle of Wight
Dear friends,
Now I'm tired but it was a wonderful day. I have never seen a landscape like this. I enjoyed the walk along the west coast but also the hours on the beach of Ryde. Even if we looked there about half an hour for a coffee bar which was good enough for us :-)
I'm just curious how the day in Salisbury will be but I'm sure that US5 will be in a good mood.
Bye bye
Now I'm tired but it was a wonderful day. I have never seen a landscape like this. I enjoyed the walk along the west coast but also the hours on the beach of Ryde. Even if we looked there about half an hour for a coffee bar which was good enough for us :-)
I'm just curious how the day in Salisbury will be but I'm sure that US5 will be in a good mood.
Bye bye
us5 @ Isle of Wight-Tour
Hi Fans!
Yipee! Finally, a day when we had to get up at 6.00 am. You can`t believe how happy we all were ;-) But it was worth getting up in the middle of the night because our trip to the Isle of Wight was fantastic.
We were almost the only ones who took the ferry at 8.00am.

1. posing for the picture; 2. Sabine & Johanna enjoyed the ferry; 3. I made a quality check of the benches
Once we arrived in East Cowes we hopped on a bus and went to see The Needles. This might not sound very exciting but trust me - it was! The hour on the bus was like a rollercoaster ride. A doubledecker bus on a tiny little, winding road going quite fast can be an adventure!!!

before the busride

on the tourbus
(the picture after the bus is censored) *g*

us5 & The Needles in the background (notice our touroutfits!)
It took us about 1 hour to find a good location for our fotoshooting.

When we found the right place, we had to do some preperations first:

And then: 3...2...1...JUMP!

That`s enough for today. We hope you enjoyed our weekend as much as we did :-)
Stay tuned.
Yipee! Finally, a day when we had to get up at 6.00 am. You can`t believe how happy we all were ;-) But it was worth getting up in the middle of the night because our trip to the Isle of Wight was fantastic.
We were almost the only ones who took the ferry at 8.00am.

1. posing for the picture; 2. Sabine & Johanna enjoyed the ferry; 3. I made a quality check of the benches
Once we arrived in East Cowes we hopped on a bus and went to see The Needles. This might not sound very exciting but trust me - it was! The hour on the bus was like a rollercoaster ride. A doubledecker bus on a tiny little, winding road going quite fast can be an adventure!!!

before the busride

on the tourbus
(the picture after the bus is censored) *g*

us5 & The Needles in the background (notice our touroutfits!)
It took us about 1 hour to find a good location for our fotoshooting.

When we found the right place, we had to do some preperations first:

And then: 3...2...1...JUMP!

That`s enough for today. We hope you enjoyed our weekend as much as we did :-)
Stay tuned.
No "say-of-the-day"
Pleese excuse us5 for not having a say-of-the-day Saturday. We feel ashamed and embarrassed but there`s nothing we can do about it. I tried to make one up but unfortunately nothing funny came to my mind.
I promise you, we will try to be funny again tomorrow. If you cannot live without a say-of-the day in the meantime you are VERY WELCOME to post your own. (Just click on "Comments" and write it down - either in English or in German)
Sorry for any inconvience the lack of our say-of-the-day might cause.
It will never happen again (I hope *g*)
I promise you, we will try to be funny again tomorrow. If you cannot live without a say-of-the day in the meantime you are VERY WELCOME to post your own. (Just click on "Comments" and write it down - either in English or in German)
Sorry for any inconvience the lack of our say-of-the-day might cause.
It will never happen again (I hope *g*)
Samstag, 8. September 2007
Information for Anne
Hi Anne, I've found an interesting weblink for the financing of St John Ambulance.
I hope I could help you
Good night
I hope I could help you
Good night
us5 @ Macmillan Cancer Care

Yesterday we were at the Information Centre of Macmillan Cancer Care. Nikki, the centre manager and Paul, the financial and fundraising manager, told us a lot of interesting things about their work and showed us impressive films and pictures. It is nice to see how they try to help people with cancer, their relatives and their friends. They have great ideas like cosmetic-courses or drawing-hours.
It was apparently that we were all very interested in their work because the questions didn't come to an end.
I enjoyed the time.
Some pictures:

us5 on tour - Bournemouth
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