During our stay in Southampton we have to write a report and do a presentation in groups of four or five. Maggy, Stefanie, Daria and Elisabeth have decided to choose "St John Ambulance" as their topic with the difference that their main focus was aimed at arranging an Austrian afternoon for some voluntary workers and elderly people who are looked after by them.
As we are also working on a project about St John Ambulance we decided to take part and help them to prepare coffee and cakes for the guests.

The group held an informative presentation about Austria with its sights and typical meals and drinks. Afterwards everybody took part in an Austrian quiz where there was the possibilty to win one "Mozartkugel" for each right answer. Then we sang the "Austrian Yodelsong" altogether, which was great fun.

The group did a great job and it was a successful and funny afternoon. Afterwards all attenders were invited by St John Ambulance to a delicious buffet.
Good night.
1 Kommentar:
Please stop taking such "nice" pictures of me. I'm not a very photogenic person!!!
thanks =)
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