Yipee! Finally, a day when we had to get up at 6.00 am. You can`t believe how happy we all were ;-) But it was worth getting up in the middle of the night because our trip to the Isle of Wight was fantastic.
We were almost the only ones who took the ferry at 8.00am.

1. posing for the picture; 2. Sabine & Johanna enjoyed the ferry; 3. I made a quality check of the benches
Once we arrived in East Cowes we hopped on a bus and went to see The Needles. This might not sound very exciting but trust me - it was! The hour on the bus was like a rollercoaster ride. A doubledecker bus on a tiny little, winding road going quite fast can be an adventure!!!

before the busride

on the tourbus
(the picture after the bus is censored) *g*

us5 & The Needles in the background (notice our touroutfits!)
It took us about 1 hour to find a good location for our fotoshooting.

When we found the right place, we had to do some preperations first:

And then: 3...2...1...JUMP!

That`s enough for today. We hope you enjoyed our weekend as much as we did :-)
Stay tuned.
4 Kommentare:
Although we thought, that staying at the isle of white from 9am to 6pm would be far to long, there was nearly no moment where we were bored or didn`t know what to do! And laughing a lot still kept us awake, though we were terribly tired.
Unfortunately it was too cold to go swimming in the sea, and even it would haven been hot - the ebb made it impossible to get to the water.
I really look forward to the Salisbury visit tomorrow. Let's have a look if missing the stay of the Tour of Britain in Southampton is worth.
Take care! Marlene
Like the post and I'm glad you enjoyed the Isle of Wight, though quite why anyone would wish to get up at 6am to go there is beyond me! (As you know, I'm not a morning person!!)
Check out your punctuation and spelling ...
I see you had a great time in Isle of Wight. Have you considered going back? Isle of Wight holiday cottages are really affordable. It would be great if you stay there.
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