Dienstag, 4. September 2007

us5 @ Whitehaven Lodge - part 2


Today we have been to Whitehaven Lodge as Astrid mentioned before. You can see some impressions under the categorie "pictures". The manager of the Lodge Mrs. Lorraine Tew gave us5 very detailed information about the work and the management of this organisation and also invited us5 to an interesting house tour.

We got so much information which we want to give to our interested readers.

We got lots of new impressions, a general overview of the system in Great Britain and we can make a comparison to our elderly homes in Austria. And I think we are all the same opinion ... there are lots of differences and the standard in Austria is really high - especially concerning the buildings and the accomodation.

It was a very good experience!!! We are looking forward to our next excursion.

--> general information about Whitehaven Lodge: Label info/Whitehaven Lodge

1 Kommentar:

Carolyn hat gesagt…

Have a look at the second sentence again - think "word order" and spelling ...

Also a few pictures would be good.